How to Fit Hunting into Your College Lifestyle

Hunting is a hobby enjoyed by many. For some, it’s more than that. It’s a lifestyle. Everything revolves around going out to get that next kill. It’s not about the kill alone, it’s about the entire experience. The experience is what makes people addicted. The act of packing up your gear and your rifle scopes and your guns and spending time in the untamed wild, becoming one with the landscape and stalking your prey is special and those who start never stop.

It can be a challenge when you’ve grown up hunting to go off to college and take time away from it. The year is filled with different seasons for different animals, but often you’re going to be in the middle of a semester when hunting season is in full swing. So for the hunting fanatic, here are some ways you can fit your love for hunting into your college lifestyle:

Attend A College Close to the Woods

If you have a passion for hunting and you don’t want to have to put it on hold for 4 years, you’re not going to want to go to a college that is located smack dab in the middle of a city. You’re also not going to want to go to a college in the desert or one that’s located on the ocean. If you love hunting, find a school that is close to a territory that you can hunt in. Otherwise, you’re going to find yourself having to travel long distances over the weekends with all of your gear, which cuts into the amount of time you could have spent actually hunting if you were closer.

Become Good At Time Management Early On

People who are good at managing their time, especially during college live with much less stress and much more time to do what it is they actually want to do. If you want hunting to fit into your college lifestyle, you’re going to have to manage your workload and your homework and do it during the week so that you have the option to go hunting during the weekends.

If you have a way to drive to get to your hunting location, bring your course work on the road with you and while somebody else is driving, complete what you need to complete.

Get Appliances For Your Room

If you love to hunt, that probably means that you also love to eat meat. When you’re at school, you tire of cafeteria food and you would like to eat what you spend so much time stalking, killing, and cleaning. To solve this dilemma, get some appliances for your room. A mid-sized fridge would be great to have and you should get an electric skillet or stove of some sort that plugs into the wall or works off of propane. This way you’ll be able to cook in your room and enjoy the feast from your labor.

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