Whether it’s your first year going to college or your last few semester before you graduate, it’s a smart idea to take your summer break from school to ensure that you’re prepared for the next year you’ll be spending on campus. Not only do you need to prepare for the rigors of your education, but you also need to make sure that you’re able to keep yourself alive and well during this time. So to help you get everything in order by the time your new school year rolls around, here are three things to do this summer to prepare for going to college in the fall.
Visit Your Family Doctor
Depending on your health insurance situation, it’s likely a good idea for you to visit your family doctor while you’re still at home before you head off for your next semester of college. While your college campus likely gives you access to some medical assistance, it’s often easier to just get everything taken care of while you’re close to your family doctor and can get everything covered by your insurance. While at your appointment, Jeremy S. Hyman and Lynn F. Jacobs, contributors to U.S. News and World Report, recommend that you get any prescriptions that you might need. Additionally, it’s a good idea to get your eyes checked so you can get prescription glasses or blue light glasses to help protect your eyes while at school.
Brush Up On Some Life Skills
For many people, going off to college is going to be the first time that they’re living on their own or without immediate parental supervision. Because of this, it can be a very steep learning curve as you have to take care of all of your needs completely on your own. To ensure that you’re ready for all this new responsibility, Walter Glenn, a contributor to LifeHacker.com, advises that you spend some of your time at home brushing up on some life skills you’ll need while at school. This should include things like learning how to do your own laundry, managing your finances, basic car maintenance and more.
Prepare For Your Upcoming Classes
As soon as you can, Kelsey Mulvey, a contributor to the Huffington Post, recommends that you get yourself registered for your classes. By doing this, you’ll ensure that you get the classes you want at the times that work best for you. Additionally, by knowing what classes you’ll be taking as soon as possible, you’ll be able to take your time finding your required books at the best prices and catching up on any summer reading or homework that you need to have done before the first day of classes.
If you’re heading off to college in the fall, consider doing some of the things mentioned above to help you prepare for this next chapter in your life.