For most college students, there isn’t a lot of money to go around that could cover totally decking out a dorm room or apartment. However, since it’s the place where you’re going to be living for the foreseeable future while you get your education, the least you can do is outfit it so it’s comfortable, cozy, and reflects your personality. Luckily, you don’t actually have to spend a lot of money to do that. To show you how, here are three tips for decorating your college dorm room or apartment on a budget.
Don’t Shy Away From Hand-Me-Downs
One of the best ways to get what you need for your dorm or apartment at a discounted price is to pool your resources and find a way to get things second-hand. Especially if it’s something you’re going to be sharing with roommates, like a microwave or couch, you may not want to spend a lot of money because you can’t always monitor how it’s being used or cared for.
For this reason, Kelsey Sheehy, a contributor to U.S. News and World Report, recommends asking your friends or relatives if they have items they’re no longer using or were thinking of getting rid of that they wouldn’t mind sending your way. This can be a great way to get what you need without having to pay full price for anything. Or, if you’re lucky, you may even be able to get a lot of this stuff for free this way.
Break Out The Washi Tape
Once you have all the essentials in your new living space, it’s time to make things a little more beautiful. The only problem with this when you’re renting space is that you don’t always have the freedom to paint or make other cosmetic improvements that you might like to. But according to Kate Thorn, a contributor to, you can get super creative with some washi tape and design your own wallpaper, frames, and other decorations all with just a few rolls of this easy to use, easy to remove decorative tape. This type of improvement is also so easy to change if you decide you’re ready for a new look in your space.
Bring In Some Natural Elements
A fun and simple way to bring some life into your dorm decor without spending a lot of money is to take advantage of natural elements. Gabby Noone, a contributor to Buzzfeed, suggests bringing in some plants, flowers, or other forms of greenery to take the sterile edge off of your dorm room or college apartment. Try to steer clear of plants that require too much attention or are too expensive up front to avoid wasting your money on something that’s hard to maintain and may die sooner than you’d like.
For those of you looking to make your dorm or college apartment feel like home without spending too much of your little money, consider using some of the tips mentioned above.