By now, we’re all probably sick of hearing about how Facebook can lose people jobs or job opportunities. But the latest thing that Facebook is screwing up is, well, marriages. Something that was supposed to be started as a great way to connect with friends has turned into a tool of destruction (although I’m sure that’s not what Mark Zuckerberg had in mind when he started it).
- It’s the newest way to cheat
Now, I don’t mean to be cynical, but really, it’s easier than ever to cheat these days. The entire platform of Facebook is that it offers people the ability to reconnect. And reconnecting with old flames can lead to sticky consequences indeed. Especially when the life of the old flame will indeed seem romanticized when placed against a backdrop of bills and bulging diapers. But the thing to consider is that even though it’s easier to cheat, it’s also easier to get caught. It also is sort of a cheating “grey area” – I mean, does having a flirting online relationship with an old flame constitute cheating? Where exactly is that line? Well, everyone’s line is different, so make sure to have an open communication when talking to people on Facebook.
- It’s not just child’s play
There are millions of people on Facebook ranging across generations. However, if Facebook (or something else entirely) has led to a divorce, and the children’s Facebook accounts might be used in depositions as well. There have been accounts of the children’s activities online being used as evidence of bad parenting. Now, personally, I think this is a really low blow and I think that children should be left out of the proceedings whenever possible. But that’s just me. And I’ve never been through a divorce, so I really am not an authority on these things. Regardless, keeping an eye on what the kids are doing on the internet is important as well.
- People get plugged in
The great thing about Facebook is that it isn’t the Matrix – and that we can unplug at any time we want. The problem is, we very rarely do, especially when something important is going on. It’s often easier to just to play Farmville or troll through thousands of Harry Potter memes than to do work or talk about important subjects with our significant other. However, this is a huge problem, because the significant other usually feels ignored (and rightfully so). Or, even if we unplug while the talk/discussion/argument is going on, we immediately post a status update or Tweet so that all of our friends can weigh in. Don’t do this. Unplug. Spend quality time together. Discuss the issues at hand, or hell, just talk. Don’t let Facebook be more important than marriage.