Choosing the best school can be challenging for the student preparing for high school. There are many criteria to consider while selecting a college preparatory school, including cost, location, and course offerings. While seeking a school with a solid academic curriculum, students might want to consider whether to select a secular or Catholic high school.
While secular schools can provide a solid educational foundation, Catholic schools can provide the same educational foundation in an environment that focuses on living a life dedicated to serving Christ. A Catholic college prep school should promote strong moral values and incorporate church teachings into the curriculum.
Many students who’ve grown up in the Catholic faith opt to continue their education by attending a Catholic high school. However, many students who aren’t Catholic also choose to attend Catholic institutions. Here are five reasons for students entering high school to consider choosing a Catholic college preparatory school.
A Catholic College School Promotes Catholic Values
A Catholic college preparatory school instills Catholic moral values along with education and knowledge. While public schools might strive to promote ethical values, deeper themes such as spirituality, service to others, and a consistent worship practice aren’t fostered in secular institutions. Attending a Catholic school will keep these positive values at the forefront of a student’s life.
Catholic schools also share church teachings, deepening a student’s knowledge of the religion. A college school enables students to build a strong religious foundation through theology and religion courses while actively practicing the faith. Secular schools often focus on academic success, but the faculty of Catholic schools will also encourage the student’s personal development and spiritual growth. This focus will strengthen the student’s character and personality during his pursuit of education.
Catholic College Preparatory Schools Reflect the Universal Church
The Catholic faith has spanned the globe following Jesus’ command nearly 2,000 years ago to “make disciples of all nations,” and cultural topics are often addressed with professors as current events arise. Students of all dominations and ethnicities are welcome and supported when attending Catholic schools. Many students feel secure being a part of a culture that promotes participation in the community, a strong work ethic, and concern for the dignity of the human person. Students who are exposed to these principles in school and home settings will carry these powerful Catholic values into the workforce.
Catholic Schools Have a Strong Campus Community
A Catholic school is built on a foundation of faith and religious values, and Catholic schools provide deeper teaching about faith and religion, along with standard educational courses. Faith is incorporated into the curriculum, allowing for a solid spiritual framework. Catholic schools offer opportunities for students to attend Mass on campus.
Catholic college prep schools often foster a strong sense of belonging and community for students, since they share the same values and faith. This strong campus community deepens the student’s relationships with other students and instructors. Extracurricular activities are more likely to be positive and beneficial to the local community, and some Catholic schools encourage students to perform community service.
Students appreciate having spiritual support and guidance close at hand and can participate in Bible studies and social activities with other students. They may even take part in community prayer in addition to worship services. The faith-based community setting can create a strong bond between students and faculty and ease the challenging transition from grade school to high school.
Most Catholic Schools Have a Superior Student-to-Teacher Ratio
Most Catholic college preparatory schools have smaller class sizes, giving students more attention and support from teachers. The lower student-to-faculty ratio provides a greater opportunity to meet the unique needs of individual students. Also, it promotes student interaction, small-group activities, and in-depth classroom discussions.
Private Catholic college prep schools have an advantageous learning environment, giving students a more intimate and personalized high school experience.
Catholic Schools Focus On Loyalty to Jesus Christ and Service to Others
Catholic college schools concentrate on serving others and worshiping Jesus Christ. Graduates of a faith-based school have a strong focus on service and well-developed leadership skills. This focus on goodwill and character development helps students graduate and become socially responsible, considerate adults promoting good in their communities.
Attending a Catholic college school is a great way to prepare your student for the future with faith. When the time comes, the right preparatory school will give an individual a framework of values and spiritual tools for choosing the right Catholic college. Graduates from Catholic schools have a strong foundation for impacting the world and serving others.