So as you may have heard, news broke today that lovable teeny bopper Miley Cyrus was caught on video taking bong rips of Salvia at a party. In honor of this captivating event, we’ve compiled five videos of lesser known people tripping on Salvia. They may not be Miley Cyrus, but I assure you they are just as high and just as unimportant. Enjoy, Salvia fans!
1. In this video, a 59-year-old woman gets her first taste of Salvia. From the looks of it, giving hand-jobs for Meth was becoming a little tedious.
2. Wow, even The Buddha is down with Salvia. I guess that’s one way to achieve Nirvana. Or maybe just kill a couple of hours on a weekday.
3. What better way to spend recess on a beautiful day then to get high as a kite on Salvia? Watch out on the monkey bars. Just out of shot is her Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus lunchbox.
4. First Miley Cyrus, now this! Don’t let the sweatshirt fool you. This kid is neither big or black, and certainly not a celebrity. Being some idiot on YouTube with a million hits doesn’t count.
5. As if sitting on your Salvation Army couch listening to Nirvana wasn’t cool enough!! Rock on mildly attractive Hippie chick. Kurt Cobain would be proud.