Dementia such as Alzheimer’s is scary, but the good news is that there are possibly ways to prevent it. While there’s no guarantee that anything will stop or delay dementia, there’s some solid evidence that natural approaches–started at a young age–can be beneficial.
First, understand that while most dementia disorders show links to genetics, it’s not proven. However, a person should know the health history of their immediate family. A person who has a mother with dementia might be more inclined to take preventative measure now. Here are 5 ways to fight dementia well before it begins.
1. Drink Green or Black Tea Daily
Some research shows that green and black tea can stop the onset of dementia. Is this a scientific fact? No–there’s no cure for dementia. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt and the health benefits of tea go beyond dementia prevention, so opt for a morning cuppa instead of that mug of coffee.
2. Get Your 8 (or 9) Hours of Sleep
Sleep and rest are powerful tools to keep the body healthy, including the mind. Every person requires a different amount of sleep, but the average is eight hours. Squeeze in a 30 minute afternoon nap whenever possible, and know how much sleep is required each night to wake up naturally. This will also help with weight management, stress and overall health.
3. Get Those Omega3’s
Omega3’s help with brain function and there’s some evidence that a diet high in Omega3’s can prevent dementia. This is largely found in oily fish, so the best way to ensure Omega3’s daily is with a fish oil supplement. Add a quality multivitamin and garlic (also a brain booster) to a daily willytail for the best results.
4. Manage Stress
Along with sleep, it’s also important to keep stress levels as low as possible. This is easier said than done, but it’s possible with the right time management skills. Carve out some “me time” every single day no matter what. Consider seeing a therapist to keep a check on things. Everyone has the same hours in the day, so spend them wisely.
5. Stay Active
An active workout regimen and social life are equally important. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least three days per week along with a strengthening routine. It’s crucial to make time for social activities, as that keeps the brain happy and guessing. Swap out 30 minutes of TV per day (for those who watch) and replace it with a brain activity such as reading or a puzzle.
These are a few of the easiest ways to fend off dementia while living a happier life. These will enable dementia sufferers’ family and friends to tend to their mental health properly. What changes can be made today for a better tomorrow?