Fantasy Team Names: The First Stop on the Road to a Championship

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This is the busiest week of the year for fantasy football drafts (hell, I’ve got two drafts just tonight).  As you prepare for the war room and round out your player ranking lists, you must keep one golden rule in mind: it takes a reprehensible, inappropriate name to be a champion.  Take for instance my 3-time league champion dynasty, “Put it in my Mangini” – you think I won all those rings because of talent?  Nah, it was because my team named oozed confidence (among other things) and opponents were petrified of being engulfed by the all-powerful Mangini.  Now I expect all of you to follow in my footsteps and make your own unique, mortifying team title.  Don’t worry, we’ve got assloads of suggestions to get you started.

Forsett In Her Asante

Smokin’ A Bowe, Drinkin’ A Forte

The Hartley Foundation

Maclin-Turner Overdrive

Orton Hears A Suh

Addai’d In Your Arms Tonight

Berrian My Johnson In Some Percy

Sippin’ On Ginn and Bruce

My Johnson + Your Bush = A Crabtree

Take A Henne, Leave A Henne

All Avant For Christmas

Dezzie Does Dallas

Choose your 3 favorite team names and list them in the comments section below or just let us know your own team name.

Good luck this season and don’t get caught with your pants down!

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