The Decade Revisited: A Look Back On The Past Ten Years

The end of this year marks the end of a decade but in many ways is only the beginning in new developments in technology. The past ten years since the new millennium has drastically altered the way we listen to music, communicate with one another, watch movies, etc. While there has been some tragedies within the past few years, such as 9/11, the earthquake in Haiti and many other devastating events, if nothing else, we have triumphed in the world of technology.

While we may still be decades away from the worlds created in I, Robot and Avatar, we are certainly on our way. Things you may think are the norm today weren’t always that way. Here’s a list of 10 things that have changed the way we live and view the world in the past 10 years.

2001- Apple iPod

When I first heard about the Apple iPod, I thought it was just another mp3 player, but, of course, I had to have it.  It was a large, rectangular shape that was bulky by today’s standards, as compared to the iPod Nano, and only available in black and white.  This was the beginning of an evolution that would forever change the way we listen to music.

2002- Wireless Headsets

These made way for Bluetooth headsets that sometimes make people look like tools, but it’s still a safer way to drive and use your phone at the same time.

2003- iTunes

The iTunes music store is another way Steve Jobs changed the world. The way we buy music today compared to the past has almost eliminated the need for an actual CD.  In ten more years I’m sure CDs will completely be eliminated by the power of downloaded media. Not only can you buy music from iTunes, but now TV shows and even movies are available.

2004- Facebook

Yes, other networking sites like Myspace existed first, but something about Facebook has altered the way we communicate because it has literally impacted everybody. College students, parents, grandparents, even pets, have a Facebook today. Its international capabilities have allowed for around-the-world contact, causing mass addictions to the website worldwide. Though it began in Mark Zuckerberg’s dorm room six years ago, it has grown into a phenomenon attracting 550 million members and counting. While we all may hate to admit how popular and successful Facebook has become, there is no denying it has affected each of our lives forever…especially since you will probably log on as soon as you finish reading this article.

2005 – YouTube

When MTV stopped playing music videos, everyone thought that form of media was dead…but thanks to YouTube, it is very much alive and thriving. With YouTube millions of procrastinators around the globe found a new way of killing time. Video blogging, or vlogging, became immensely popular and none of this would have happened without YouTube. Heck, I wouldn’t have anywhere to find hilarious videos on the internet in one place without YouTube.

2006- Twitter

Micro-blogging, 140 characters to say what you need to say, what an interesting tactic.  Personally, I wasn’t introduced to Twitter until 2009 but the fact that this was out there so long ago, and it’s just now taking off the way it is, amazes me. Twitter allows you to get up-to-the-second information on news occurring throughout the world, and minute-by-minute updates on breaking news. Otherwise, you can use this media outlet to follow your favorite celebrity’s activities, or even the president’s.

2007- Apple iPhone

Wow, Steve Jobs has did It again. The bulky iPod described earlier has now transformed into a touch screen, lightweight, and dynamic design. Soon after the release of the iPod Touch came the iPhone, quickly surpassing the capabilities of the Blackberry and becoming the new must-have item.


This has changed the way we watch TV forever. We no longer need to worry about missing our favorite shows because we can watch them whenever we find the time. Hulu has also helped pave the way for other TV and movie streaming websites such as TV Duck, Surfthechannel, and Sidereel.

2009- The Nissan Leaf

While this might not be anything new, an electric car is now in mass production and is bringing us to the future of automobiles. This eco-friendly car is yet another way to help Go Green, along with Hybrids that were created during this decade, as well as sleeker, more unique cars like the Element.

2010- Apple iPad

Last but not least, Steve Jobs has done it again. The iPad is now the latest gadget that basically combines an iPod Touch and a laptop. This portable device can basically do whatever you need it to with only a single touch. We can easily see by looking through this list how Apple has dramatically transformed the way we use technology.

If these were the inventions of the past ten years, what are the next ten years going to bring? The possibilities are endless.

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