If you’re a Siena student and it’s the weekend, fudge it, even if it’s a week day, mostly likely you’re “studying” hard at the college’s closest watering hole. Only a mile away from the school, you can practically walk to this tavern (which I wouldn’t recommend) and get your fix for the night. While there are tons of bars, lounges and clubs located in the Albany, NY area, Dapps Tavern happens to serve as an all-purpose spot for the typical Siena attendee.
Last resort-Dapps is the perfect place to end your night out. Whether you’re coming off a studying binge and need some well-deserve refueling or you’re getting dragged there by your boys/girls for that one last round before you call it quits for the night. This is the spot. Even if you’re just sitting on your ass in your dorm room with nothing to do, but you want to get fudgeed up for cheap, you go to Dapps. No matter where you started your evening, most likely Dapps will be where you end it.
Low key– You want to go out for the night, but you definitely don’t feel like dressing up or getting all sexy-fied. You just want to be comfortable and take it easy. You’re really not looking to impress anybody tonight, but you wouldn’t mind finding that sexy co-ed to hook up with. Well, that’s when you head out to Dapps. You can dress down or up in this place and you will not feel out of place. And most likely everyone is too fudgeed up to be worrying about what you’re wearing so drink up and enjoy yourself.
No Shame– man, I have seen some people do some stupid stuff in this bar and by the next day, they act like nothing had happened. This is the place where you can throw your morals, at least what’s left of them, to the waist side and get loose.
Pure Entertainment– No matter how many times I go here, I am never disappointed. If the music is suspect then the drink special are a plus. If the chicks in there are just ok that night, then the dj was on point. And if the music and drinks weren’t up to par, then you can probably count on a good-ole fashion ass-whoopin’ to break loose. I have seen more than handful of fights catch flame at this spot. It can get a bit out of hand some night, so make sure you are prepared for a showdown.