They tried it with “Shit My Dad Says.” It didn’t work, but for some reason, yet again, television is attempting to take a web novelty and turn it into a show. This time they are giving a shot. How? We have no frickin idea but it is officially happening and there’s nothing conventional logic can do to stop it. More after the jump.
Apparently this project was conceived of two years ago but hasn’t gained any potential until just recently. Not only that, Happy Madison has stepped in to the producer role. That’s right, Happy Madison. The brilliant Adam Sandler created company that brought us movie classics like The Water Boy, Little Nicky and Grandma’s Boy. I don’t know why they are bothering with a bull-stuff, brick wall within the 1st season project like this, but hey, maybe it will be good. Nah.
Here’s the exact quote form
“Fox has tapped Ugly Betty creator Silvio Horta to develop a half-hour comedy based on the infamous blog Texts From Last Night. Happy Madison and Sony Pictures TV are producing. The network, Happy Madison and Sony TV first took a stab at developing a comedy based on the Web site two seasons ago with Steve Holland as the writer. Last season, it was redeveloped with different writers, Marc Abrams and Michael Benson. Now a new take will be written by Horta.”
So any word on what a show about a website who’s entire content consists of texts could possibly be about? None at all. Will it be just moving pictures of phones receiving texts. Will there be actors? Will there even be texts? I’ve spent the last 10 minutes of my life trying to think of possible scenarios for a TV show based on a list of text messages and I have vowed not to spend any more. I guess you will just have to wait for this piece of stuff to premiere. I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it though. If 75% of shows don’t stay on the air longer than a season, expect this one to be one of the small group that don’t last 2 episodes.