By: Scott Yager
The MTV Movie Awards have found their host! Comedian Aziz Ansari will be taking over the mic as emcee for annual show airing Sunday, June 6th. The show has been hosted by a string of comedians lately, with last year’s put in the hands of SNL’s Andy Samburg and the two years before that going to Mike Myers and Sarah Silverman respectively. It appears MTV has realized that comedians are the way to go after getting negative responses to more Hollywood type hosts like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jessica Alba and Lindsay Lohan.
The show itself has lost some of its luster over the years. At first the MTV Movie awards seemed like a cool alternative for movie fans that weren’t huge fans of the typical Oscar type films that would garner most of the awards attention. The first award went to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and awards in years following were given to films like Scream and Seven, movies that definitely deserved some notoriety but would obviously never get it from the “real” awards shows. Recently more quintessential blockbusters have been taking home the top prize like Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers and Twilight. The MTV awards have slowly become more like the Kids Choice Awards on Nickelodeon than the ballzy show it once was.
Ansari is hot now, coming off of his roles in Parks and Recreation and last years Funny People. His humor should go well with the sarcastic tone of the awards show and hopefully the satirical video clips that the show has become famous for will maintain their level of consistency. Typically the host will be placed into various situations from that years top movies and hilarity will ensue. For this year wewill have to wait and see!