For those of you who can’t remember 20 years back (or who weren’t alive yet), there used to be a Nintendo game called “Mike Tyson’s
Category: Media
October 6th, 2010. A man looks at his BBM Buddy List and sees a name with no picture accompanying it. He rolls over the name
This Guy Is The Ultimate Bad-Ass …..(Double Viking) 5 Reasons Why It’s Awesome To Be Single …..(Leftos) This Survey Proves Women Are Faking It, Sorry
We heard the rumors over the past week: “Is The Campus Socialite down forever?” “Have they packed up and called it quits?” “Are they just
It’s All About Mark. Zuckerberg, that is. With the release of The Social Network comes a stuffload of other media coverage of the networking guru’s
So if you’re a Campus Socialite, then you’ve already heard of the Blitz & Beatz Tour. And if you haven’t, then perhaps you don’t belong
DJ Unk’s “Walk It Out” Works Perfectly with Retro Women in Tight Pantsuits …..(Double Viking) Dad Stealing the Spotlight from His Children During Justin Bieber
Jorts, The Mullet of Clothing …..(The Smoking Jacket) This Kid Makes Doing His Homework Fun …..(Double Viking) A New Invention For Guys Who Have to
16 Most Shameful Politician’s Daughters (Ranker) The Love Rug Strokes Your Body As You Make Love! …..(The Frisky) Hot Girls Supporting College Football …..(On Campus
How To Get Laid In 30 Days [TSB Magazine] Which Drinking Games Will Get You Laid? [Evil Chili] 15 Kinda Epic Costumes In Honor Of