When it comes to understanding what attracts women, guys can be really clueless.
Fortunately, we’ve uncovered exactly what women want based on their searches for
their preferred attributes in a man while online dating. Women find healthy,
active and fit men far more attractive than chain-smoking, overweight
beer-guzzlers. Most women do not want a man with a lot of baggage, as evidenced
by the fact that most women turned away from men who were either married or
separated. This makes sense since women are generally not satisfied with just
casual or short-term relationships. Women mostly want a single man with whom
they can share a serious, meaningful relationship and bond with.
Women desire a stable relationship with a professional, financially secure man. Women
prefer employed or self employed men over unemployed men. As far as the smaller
details are concerned, women tend to prefer blue or brown eyes, as well as
darker hair colors. Women do not generally like white hair or redheads. This
well-designed infographic does an excellent job delving into the psyche of a
woman and uncovering exactly what attributes she wants in a man. This makes this
infographic must-view material for all men worldwide.