By: David Kaplan, The Campus Gamer
If you are a gaming nut like The Campus Gamers, than you know that E3 is just around the bend and there is a lot to be excited for. E3 (the Electronics Entertainment Expo) is a conference held in California once a year where the biggest names in gaming give us a sneak peak of things to come over the near future. The big three (Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo) battle it out to see who can drive system sales and publishers and developers push their new software.
Last year’s show was a big hit. Besides a slew of games like New Super Mario Brothers Wii, Beatles Rock Band, Froza Motorsport 3 and God of War 3, each developer pulled out some secrets that surprised us all. Microsoft unveiled Project Natal, a 3D camera that allows for controller free motion style gaming. Nintendo showed off the vitality sensor, a weird attachment that clips on your finger and reads your pulse and Sony showed the very beginning stages of its version of motion style gaming now called Playstation Move.
With all the great games that have come out so far this year like Alan Wake, God of War 3, Mod Nation Racers and Super Mario Galaxy 2, I wonder what E3 has in store for us this year. Some are more likely than others, but here are some of my predictions for what E3 has in store for us this year (in no particular order).
1. Project Natal game-play blow out
Last years showing of Natal was awesome but there was much speculation as to weather the demos displayed were running in real time or if they were previously scripted. With Natal being released this holiday season, Microsoft needs to give people a real reason to want to buy it. This means a handful of great software with the launch in addition to hands on demos on the show floor for attendees to play and accurately report on.
2. Playstation Move game-play blow out
Sony also had unveiled a very early version of their answer to the motion controlled gaming revolution started by Nintendo. With intentions of releasing it this holiday in direct competition, they need to show awesome software that makes the additional hardware worth purchasing.
3. Nintendo 3DS
It has already been confirmed through various publications across the web that Nintendo’s successor to the Nintendo DS (the best selling handheld console of all time) will feature 3D capabilities. The catch is that it won’t require the use of glasses. Hopefully all the old DS games will play on the new unit.
4. A brand new Legend Of Zelda Wii title
Last year the only thing released in regards to the new Zelda game was concept art featuring an older version of Link without his master sword, but instead accompanied by a spirit-like character whose outfit featured many of the same aesthetics found on the master sword. Since then, Nintendo has been very lock and key about any other details about the game. All that’s really been said is the game needs to be perfect and it will take full advantage of the Wii Motion Plus. Just for fun I’m willing to bet that the game will be available this holiday as Nintendo’s big title. Why? Look at the facts. Nintendo released Super Mario Galaxy 2, a title more than worthy of a holiday release, in May. Nintendo also has a new title from the mega franchise Metroid coming out this year as well. It was originally set for June but is being pushed back to August and could also easily fit as a big holiday release. With no clear holiday blockbuster from Nintendo in sight, we could be very surprised with a new Zelda sooner than we think.
5. The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian was revealed at E3 last year with a beautiful trailer. I wouldn’t really have expected anything less from the same developer of Shadow of the Colossus and ICO. Both games are known for their great game play and overwhelming sense of mood and style. The Last Guardian is said to be the last game in this sequence. Hopefully we will be given a new trailer with game play and a release date.
Keep it with The Campus Gamer as we will keep you posted on everything you need to know leading up to the E3 Expo on June 15-17.