I know a lot of you Socialites have studied abroad in places like Italy, Spain, and England. I personally don’t have much experience in Europe, aside from Amesterdam where I smoked pot and ate space cake for 5 days straight, but what I’m always told is that Europe is somehow the sex capital of the world. People there are more free-spirited, they aren’t ashamed of their bodies, their not insecure about sex, blah blah blah blah….blah. Then, I stumble upon this survey today conducted on 2,818 college students in England that says their mobile phones and their Facebook pages are more important than sex. Seriously England? You would rather be stalking that hot chic in your class on Facebook than actually banging her. They also list Simon Cowell as one of their top sex symbols. Are British dudes really that ugly? Anyway, see the rest of the results on this Infographic from StudentBeans.com, after the jump. I’ll stick to American girls for now.