Contrary to popular belief, guys get upset over things, especially girls. Not all guys are robots when it comes to expressing emotion. Certain situations or sequence of events can put a guy in bad mood. That’s not to say that all guys will respond in the same manner in situations presented below. Rather, it is an educated generalization or calculated prediction that reveals what might put a guy in bad mood and how he might react to a given situation.
1. Seeing Your Ex Girlfriend With Another Guy On Facebook
You broke up months ago after a long term relationship. You are still curious and creep on her facebook profile from time to time to look at her pictures, wall posts, and other various activity. As you peruse through her tagged photos, you see a picture of her hugged up with some other dude. You’re shaken up a little bit—blindsided, maybe even a little pissed off. You click the click the guy’s name below the photo. You check out his profile. You size him up to see how you compare. You wonder what she sees in this kid. Then you think about him dominating her from behind just like Bill Lumbergh had his way with Joanna (Jennifer Anniston) in Office Space. You begin to have second thoughts about why you broke up in the first place. Whether or not you have moved on, it’s never easy to see your ex-girlfriend with someone else. It doesn’t get much worse than this.
2. Your Friend Hooks Up With a Girl You Have History With
You hooked up with this girl more than a few times last year. You actually liked her and considered continuing a meaningful relationship, but you couldn’t keep your hand out the cookie jar of freshman girls. It just so happens that one of your good friends is hooking up with her now. You have no right to be pissed, but you are. Who exactly are you pissed at though? The girl? Your friend? Yourself? You let a girl with serious potential slip away and now she’s rebounding with one of your bros. It is what it is, and all three parties involved are partially to blame. You should have wifed her when you had the chance. She could have hooked up with anyone else, but she chose to hook up with your friend. And your friend continued to hook up with her, knowing that you had history with the girl. Overall, it’s a stuffty situation that could have been avoided if you locked it up when you had the chance.
3. Girl Who Pulls A Bait and Switch
Some random hot girl is all over you at a party. Your night is shaping up to be an above average night. You guys are drinking, dancing, and getting pretty close. You’ve put in a minimal amount of work, but you are confident that your return on investment will be big. You think it’s in the bag and BOOM. She ditches you at the end of the night and hooks up another guy. You’re confused, flustered, and most of all, pissed off. You put in all the work only to have some butt pull the robbery. You spit the game, you bought the drinks, you busted out the dance moves, you laid the foundation, and she runs off with a douchbag lax bro wearing a backwards hat, button-down shirt, khakis, and boat shoes. How could she sell you out for a kid like that? The moral of the story is beware of the jersey chaser. They are everywhere and will leave you to hookup with mediocre athletes rocking the Justin Bieber haircut.
4. Girl Cancels Plans Last Minute
You’ve battled you way through a tough workweek. You’ve hit a cold streak and decide to hit up your sure thing to help you relieve the stresses of being a student with a rigorous academic schedule. You need this to boost your confidence and regain your sanity. You clean your room, shower with extra soap, and even put together a sweet playlist on iTunes. You’re excited because you’re about to get some. You wait anxiously for her to arrive. You get a text message. You read it immediately. “Ughhh something came up. I don’t think today will work anymore :-/ Sorry,” it reads. You roll your eyes in disbelief. She couldn’t have spoken up sooner? She had to wait until half an hour before to say something? Of course you are pissed, but you are also disappointed. You can’t even hook up with your sure thing. You are as cold as ice. The best way to look at it is that since you’ve hit rock bottom the only way you can go is up. Keep chipping away and you’ll break ground soon enough.