If there is one thing that every red blooded human being on God’s green Earth can agree upon, it’s that we all love pancakes. Pancakes have introduced us to two of the sexiest women of the kitchen, Aunt Jemima and her curvy arch nemesis Mrs. Buttersworth, and have also inspired the creation of the greatest chain breakfast restaurant in the universe – the International House of Pancakes, better known to the snacking community as IHOP. As solid as the current state of pancakes is in our society, we are always looking to advance and make things more convenient for our fast paced, cutting-edge culture. With that in mind, our friends over at The Bachelor Guy have introduced us to the Batter Blaster, a pressurized whipped cream style can that allows you to shoot organic pancake batter directly into your baking pan. Get the lowdown on the Batter Blaster at The Bachelor Guy and see how you can stack your diet full of pancakes with a simple blast.