As the holidays approach, people begin freaking out about getting gifts for everyone on their list. Just as you are getting caught up on your credit card bills from last seasons gift giving, the Christmas gift exchange happens all over again. For us college students, this time is even worse. Being a college student means that you are in a constant state of poverty, always looking for free food on campus while begging your parents for more money. This predicament arises the obvious question: how the hell are we going to come up with enough money to buy everyone at school a gift? Here are some tips to know who to get gifts for and how to make sure no one is left out.
1) The Gift for the Best Friend
If you are BFF status with some one, it’s pretty much a given that you have to get them a gift. This is the one gift, I would say, that you actually need to spend some thought and time on. If you guys are really close, you wouldn’t want to get him/her a stuffty present. Also, you are going to want to put just as much effort into the gift as they are going to, or else you are going to look bad. Agree on a price limit with your friend about how much you are going to spend on each other. With a best friend, you have the option of going shopping together and picking out the gifts you want, that way you know exactly what to get.
2) Gift Giving in a Group
The best way to go about this is doing Secret Santa. This way, no one in the group is left out and everyone will get a gift, without you having to buy something for everyone and leaving you even more broke. After drawing names from a hat, don’t forget to clarify with everyone that there is a spending limit; 10$-15$ is perfect.
3) Roommate Gift Giving
Having a roommate makes you feel obligated to get them a gift, even if you really don’t like him/her. The truth is, it’s kind of awkward if you don’t. For this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. Just get them something small that you think they will like, nothing more than $20. For a girl, a cute little nail or bath set is always easy and for a guy some joke gift from Spencer’s is fine.
4) Floor Gifts
You might be friends with everyone on your floor, but you can’t possibly buy everyone a gift. A perfect solution for this problem is going to Wal-Mart and buying a huge bag of assorted candy. Put the candy in plastic baggies, with a little “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” note inside. Everyone likes candy and since it is finals time, candy will be a perfect pick-me-up.
If you’re a Grinch, don’t buy anyone a gift, but don’t expect any gifts in return!