Urban Dictionary defines girl code as “the code of guidelines that girls must obey in order not to get kicked out of the community. There are many opinions if the Girl Code actually exists, as well as the Guy Code.”
Most women just accept and understand girl code, they’ve followed it for a while by maintaining good relationships with women and keeping close girl friends. But if you’re one of those girls who “doesn’t get along with girls,” then you probably don’t understand or follow girl code (which may be why you don’t have many girl friends in the first place).
So if you need to refresh your memory, here is a user-friendly version of the code I think every girl should follow.
Girl Code: Don’t Hook Up With Your Friend’s Ex-Anything
The number one girl code rule: never, ever hook up with a girl friend’s ex. Whether that be her ex-boyfriend, ex-drunk hook-up, ex-guy-she-flirted-with-in-class or ex-formal date, stay away from him. Even if it fizzled out quickly or they don’t talk at all anymore, it is not worth it to get involved with a guy your friend used to be into. No girl wants her friends kissing, sleeping with, or flirting with a guy they used to have feelings for. In college, there are plenty of frat guys to date, and boys in your class who will want to ask you out. Unless you have a long-term college boyfriend, your girl friends will be the most cherished relationships you take with you after your four years as a co-ed. So don’t drink the jungle juice, and go home solo instead…because everyone WILL find out.
Girl Code: If You Ever Hook-Up With Someone Famous, All Details Must Be Revealed
If one of you is lucky enough to rendezvous with a celebrity, sports star, or even a D-list reality TV star, then, according to girl code, all details must be revealed. So you hit the jackpot and are dating Sidney Crosby? Well, then you know from girl code you must always include your best friend whenever you are allowed to bring someone to parties or hang outs. If you luck out, it’ll be easier inviting your girl friends either way, because they will just be bugging you about it. But know that no detail of your “personal” relationship can be spared. I mean, we need to know if these celebs are packing heat and can do it like they do it on TV. So please, spare no details if you’re boning Zac Efron (who’s recently back on the market) or that guy from “Dancing With the Stars.”
Girl Code: Don’t Tell Your Girl Friend You Don’t Like Her Boyfriend (Until After They Break Up)
If you want your best friend to continue being your best friend, never tell her bad things about her boyfriend (Exceptions: he’s cheating on her, has a drug problem, or is as bad as Ryan from “Teen Mom”). Telling your best friend that you think her boyfriend is a huge loser will only make her mad at you, not him. She’s dating him, so she obviously doesn’t think the same things you do. Or maybe she does, but she’s unwilling to admit that to herself, so don’t get into a fight over it. If and when they break up, that’s another story. Only then can you let her know how much better she can do.
Girl Code: Don’t Hook Up With Your Girl Friend’s Brother
Hooking up with her ex will piss her off, but hooking up with her brother will make her want to push you around outside a little bit. Unlike all the flings and forgotten boyfriends, her brother is a guy she actually loves and cares about. She doesn’t want him to be added to your list of conquests, or know anything at all about his sex life, let alone have her best friend be the one in bed with him. So when he’s visiting from UMass for the weekend, don’t find out what kind of underwear he wears or how he likes his eggs in the morning.
Girl Code: Don’t Ever Let Girl Friends Out of the House Wearing Plastic Chandelier Earrings, Mock Turtlenecks, or Kitten Heels
Whether it be individually, or all three at the same time, normal chicks don’t wear this trifecta of hideous clothing out in public. It’s like the “Sex and the City” episode when Carrie and Berger fight over a scrunchie. Carries argues that no respectable woman is trotting around Manhattan wearing a scrunchie, and she was right. Nor was that woman wearing plastic chandelier earrings, a mock turtleneck, or kitten heels. If you walk out your front door and think Joan Rivers would give you a scathing Fashion Police review, then just stick to jeans and a T-shirt.
Have other things to add to the Girl Code? Let me know in the comments!