Another semester of your college career – gone. But you’re not home free yet. Before you head back to your hometown for a month, there are still a few things left to get done for the end of the semester.
Plan Ahead For Finals
This may be the last week or two of classes, but that doesn’t mean you’re done. Figure out when all your finals are and what you need to make them your bitch. Know if and when any review sessions are, and make sure that you understand the material. If you have questions, make sure they’re answered. Any final papers or projects – get them done ASAP. Trust me, you will be glad to not have to worry about them when you suddenly have to study entire text books full of notes in 24 hours. If you have a friend in the same class, split up the study guides. Think about it: that’s less work you’ll have to do and you’ll get the answers you need.
Know Your Grades Before Test Time
Now is a good time to figure out how important the final you will be taking is. If you’re seriously sucking in a class, try to schedule one last minute meeting with your professor. It might be too late, but if the professor isn’t the world’s biggest jackass, then you should be able to get some extra credit, or redo those essays you wrote while you were hungover. On the other hand, if you’re sailing through that required math class, then you won’t have to put so much focus on studying for it. If you know how you’re doing in your classes, it makes studying for them go a lot more stress free.
Return Your Books
I know this really doesn’t sound that exciting, but it is. Not only do you get to get rid of those textbooks that you’ve been slaving over for the past week, but you get a little dinero from it. It’s usually not much, even if you spent a whole paycheck on one book, but it’s better than nothing. Most schools have buyback programs and if yours doesn’t, try and find a friend that’ll buy it off of you. This money will come in handy for my last piece of advice.
Study Hard, Play Harder
There’s nothing better than rewarding yourself for all those long hours you spent in the lib the last week. The end of the semester in my sorority always means it’s time for the “drink all the alcohol in the house” party. The way finals are set up, you could get lucky and only have two or three days worth of exams. That leaves prime celebration time. Go out with a bang before going home for break. Find a group of friends that are done with finals also and just go crazy. Get rid of all those half-assed notes from those boring general education classes the right way: Drinking while doing it. It’ll make the fact that you sat through those classes hungover every Friday morning a little more worth it.
So there you have it. Just a couple tips on making the rest of your fall semester not so stress free. Good luck socialites, and rest up for the spring!!