College life can be expensive. Most students have to pay tuition fees and spend money on food, clothing, and rent. Only a few can afford to go out and have fun. With careful planning, you can save money and build multiple streams of income. Start by making small lifestyle changes, such as buying used textbooks and packing your own lunch instead of eating out. These simple tricks can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
Here are some easy ways to save money in college and still have fun:
Don’t Make Impulse Purchases
Make a budget and stick to it. Avoid buying things that you don’t really need. Impulse shopping can cost you thousands of dollars. If you find something nice, wait at least one week before buying it. If you still want it a week later, go on and buy it. Set a mandatory waiting period for the products you don’t need right away.
Rent Textbooks
Buy used textbooks or rent them. These products cost quite a lot. Why pay the full price when you could save a fortune by renting them? Many companies and online stores are offering textbook rentals, so it’s worth shopping around. Students can also use the internet to find cheap used copies at a fraction of the price. If your old textbooks are in good condition, sell them to a local bookstore or online.
Work as a Freelancer
Do you have any special skills? Are you good at web design or search engine optimization? What about copywriting? If you have programming skills, you could work as a freelancer online. Millions of bloggers and small business owners are searching for talented freelancers to set up their websites and write content. For example, you can build health-related websites, fitness blogs, corporate sites, and online stores. Students with good copywriting skills can write press releases, blog content, and sales letters online. Those who are passionate about photography can sell their work on the Internet.
Skip the Fast Food
Another easy way to save money in college is to cook your own meals. Skip the fast food and make yourself a sandwich or a salad. Fast food is cheap, but it adds up quickly. Don’t forget about the extra calories and trans fat! If you really want to eat out, go to your favorite pub or restaurant during happy hour.
Use Coupons
Coupon codes can save you hundreds of dollars a month. Whether you want to buy a new dress, get a haircut, or go out for dinner, use coupons! This is the most convenient way to reduce your expenses and still have fun. There are thousands of websites offering coupons that can be used in clothing stores, beauty salons, restaurants, libraries, and malls. All you need to do is to print them or enter the code at checkout when shopping online.
Apply for Student Discounts
For extra savings, ask about student discounts in your favorite stores and pubs. You’ll be surprised to find out how many shops and bars offer special deals for students.