Importance Of EICR In The Private Rented Sector

Electric Installation Condition Report or EICR is the report produced by a certified electrician after carrying out a thorough inspection of your property’s electrics. The report either approves the electric installation condition on your property or labels it unsatisfactory, pointing out the flaws which you can then get rectified within 28 days.

If you are confused or uninformed about the importance and benefits of the residential electrical installation condition report, read below.

EICR Is Mandatory Now

Yes, you read that correctly. According to The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, all landlords are legally required to get the electrical systems and installations on their property tested by a certified electrician at least once every 5 years, or sooner if specified by the electrician. Furthermore, as a landlord, you are required to provide the tenants with a copy of the Electric Installation Condition Report.

It Ensures Your Safety And Your Tenants’

EICR is a snapshot of your property’s electrical installations – it helps prove that the cables, the switchboards, earth bonding, the fuse board and all the other parts of the electrical system are safe and in accordance with the regulations. According to statistics, each day, almost 4 people are killed or injured due to fires caused by electrical issues. With a regular EICR check, you can be sure that the electrics on your property are safe and any faults or potential risks are taken care of in time. Hence, a regular EICR testing can save lives.

Places You In A Favorable Position For Insurance

It is a fact that most good insurance companies demand a valid EICR on your property before giving cover. In case your Electrical Installation Condition Report expires, and you do not get it renewed, one accident could have serious consequences, and your insurer will refuse all claims. In other words, without a valid EICR, you are skating on thin ice every day.

Reduces The Risks Of Electrical Accidents

Every year, more than 19,000 accidental domestic fires are caused by electrical faults in the UK, nearly 70 people are killed, and more than 300,000 people are severely injured because of electrical faults. These alarming numbers are a major reason why an EICR must cover all your electrical installations. In this thorough testing, a competent and certified individual will determine whether devices are protected against electric shock and fires, make sure if sufficient bonding and earthing are in place, identify any faulty cables and electrical fittings, and look for any other potential risks that could compromise safety. If they find any fault or potential risk, the electrician will mention that in the report, and you will have 28 days to get the issue resolved.

Adds Value To Your Property

Believe it or not, having a valid EICR adds substantial value to your property; each time a new tenant rents your property, an Electric Installation Condition Report will assure them that your property is safe and well-maintained. Peace of mind on both sides sounds like a pretty good deal to anyone.

What It All Boils Down To

Getting the property’s electrics tested regularly and having a valid EICR is a good practice that all responsible landlords have been doing for years. Now that it’s a legal requirement, there are even more reasons to take EICR seriously for protecting your property, keeping your tenants safe and adding value to your property. EICR makes you a worthy contribution to the housing market.


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