With the ever-evolving mass of technology we have surrounding us wherever we go, it’s not difficult to believe there has been yet another program created with which we can familiarize ourselves. It’s called Kik Messenger.
Kik Messenger is a real-time text messaging program that could connect smart phones of any kind on any plan with one another. That means AT&T iPhones and Verizon BlackBerrys could have a text conversation quicker than sending text messages. A little confused? I was when I first heard about it.
For comparison purposes, think of Instant Messenger, G-Chat or BBM. That’s exactly what Kik Messenger is. So if you Kik somebody, there are three little symbols that will pop up next to your message in this particular order:
S-means your message has successfully been sent
D-means your message has been delivered to the other person
R-tells you that the message has been read.
Lastly, Kik Messenger will also tell you when the person you’re Kiking is typing a response.
So there’s definitely good in this program, especially for those texting fiends who think people are ignoring them when it takes a little longer than usual for a response to come through. You’ll know when they’ve read it, which can eliminate (or increase, if you are sending ridiculous Kiks) paranoia.
Also, a lot of times when texting doesn’t work, there isn’t a way to know if the problem is on your side or the other person’s. But with Kik telling you your message has sent, you know your phone is working quite well. If the message was not delivered, sucks to be the other person you’re trying to Kik because their phone is not on its A-game.
Kik Messenger is free, and is easily downloadable from any smart phone. Literally, you go on Kik.com and you can click the little button that says, for example, Blackberry, and follow the three instructions to install the program.
Get your friends to do it, too. Kik is programmed to scan your contact list in your phone to find other Kik members. Then your network is set up. You can Kik ’em as hard as you want, and as frequently as you’d like.
Now, for some feedback. I personally have yet to download the program because technology advances scare me, but a bunch of my friends have it. And let me tell you, they love it.
Blackberry Messenger-obsessed texters have found a new love for Kik, because having the option of BBM instead of texting always made it annoying to text non-BBMers. Why can’t texting tell you your message was sent, delivered and read. How convenient is that? Obviously very convenient.
The other benefit to the program is the service itself. Kik has a worldwide network. In other words, you can be in Italy and I can be in California, and you can Kik me…for free. It will cost you nothing, no matter how many times or how many people you Kik.
Kik is growing at an incredibly fast rate, and after only 15 days of its release, one million users joined their community. And you may or may not be one of them I don’t know. But if you aren’t and you like new technological advancements, give it a good Kik.