If you wanna eat with your hands and watch some knights mess each other up, you could go to Medieval Times. But if you really wanna party like wer’re back in BC, invest in a bottle of Honeymaker Mead. Back before the days of Vodka, Rum, and even Whiskey, warriors sheathed their swords, hung out in halls, and drank fermented honey known as Mead. Honeymaker has decided to take the thousands of years old tradition, dead for years, and bring it to a new generation of knights and wenches.
Honeymaker is distilled in Maine and uses locally harvested honey and spring water, so it’s domestic and fresh. You don’t have to grab a side bottle of Midori for your girl either, because it comes in 9 different flavors. Though, I doubt they were flavoring their stuff with Blueberry in 700 BC, so I’d stick to semi-sweet, reserve, dry mead and dry hopped if you don’t want to lose your man card.
Nobody is saying Mead is going to come right along and replace beer, whiskey, tequila, and vodka as your go to drink. But experiencing the oldest alcoholic beverage in history, with a new modern take at a party has to be pretty cool. Hey, for all I know the stuff tastes like liquid heaven.