As a kid, I remember one of my first experiences with a phone was a prank phone call. Granted, at times, I forgot people had caller ID, but I soon learned that you could hide your number easily. Just because I’m not a little kid anymore, that doesn’t mean the prank phone calls have to stop. They just have to mature and get better with time.
Like all things you haven’t done in a while, you have probably gotten rusty at making prank phone calls, so here are a few simple tips to help you get back on your A game.
Prepare For The Prank
Have a plan and know what you’re going to say. Also make sure the people in the background are ready for the call so there’s no background noise. Hesitation during prank calls causes the person on the receiving end to just give up and end the call. A well-prepared call will end with great results for you and your friends. Follow the leads of the person on the phone – sometimes their misunderstanding will make for a funnier call.
No Laughing (Until The Very End)
This one is simple, unless there is a reason for you to laugh, don’t. If there are friends around you, make sure they know the rules. For example, if you’re pretending to be someone official, they can make background noises like they were in an office.
Be Careful Who You Prank
Let’s be smart, prank calling a police station or any other official seems funny for the first five minutes, but then reality kicks in and you could get in a lot of trouble. Really, the last thing you want is trouble, so just remember that prank calling a police officer…is a big fat NO.
Use Your Resources
Check the internet for inspiration and see what others before you have done. The important thing is to not constantly do the exact same pranks. I’m personally a big fan of soundboards because when the person on the phone hears it they don’t know what’s going on and it makes for some funny conversations.
Avoid Clichéd Pranks
You know what I’m talking about. “Hey, is your refrigerator running? Oh, you better go catch it!” These stopped being funny when we were six, and like I said, it’s time for more mature pranks. Don’t be afraid to try something new; usually it turns out better than expected.
Keep Up With The Flow
The conversation should be effortless and sound as natural as possible. I cannot stress this tip enough. You have to believe what you’re saying if you expect the other person to believe it. This means the most important thing about making prank phone calls is to have confidence in yourself.
Now, since its Christmas Eve I’ll give you a few early presents in the form of prank call videos! One puts the Dr. Phil soundboard to good use while the other features a mother having a complete meltdown. Enjoy!