Check out these old school Sambas my sneaker lovers! The Samba was originally created in 1965 as a men’s training sneaker for the World Cup. Who would have thought that almost less than a decade later Adidas would pay homage to it in such a way? As part of the festivities this year, the above sneakers that you see is your typical and simple Black & White and Red Sambas representing the good old USA and the country of Germany ( you will notice the buttons on each respectful sneaker). I own a pair of these babies-not the World Cup Edition of course but honestly, these sneakers are very comfortable. You can wear them anytime and anywhere to go into that study quad or throw them on to hang out and chill. Besides the USA and Germany ones, if you look right down below, you will see the Brazil and England version as well. Ask me which pair I will buy? Hmm, it looks like a tie with Brazil and England. How about you? Ladies, know that if you do plan to purchase these sneakers, do so wisely because they are men’s sneakers.
#2 Puma JB2010 High Cut Sneakers World Cup Edition
If you love High Tops and want to feel like heading back to your roots and the African Diaspora, then this is definitely the sneaker for you. There is a special meaning behind the name that was chosen for these high tops so get ready for some knowledge. The “JB” stands for Johannesburg, South Africa and of course the “2010” stands for both the year that it was released in commemoration of the FIFA World Cup. Both sneakers have the colors of Red, Yellow and Green that represent many African country colors. What makes each sneaker distinct and unique however is the colorway and theme that is used. The white colorway is used to represent the country of Ghana while the black colorway is used to represent the country of Cameroon. You have to love the incorporation of the Lion for the Cameroon sneaker. The best thing about these high tops is that besides the laces they come with (black for the black and white for the white), they also come with extra pair of green and yellow laces to spice them up! The only thing that I am not too happy and fond of is that Puma didn’t come up with South Africa version to this sneaker- it would have been nice…
#1 Adidas South Africa 2010 World Cup Track Jacket
My goodness, I have to give a shoutout to Karmaloop’s website for providing my eyes with such a jacket. I first came across this jacket on their website and my friend DJ Tiger had it on. I remember asking him where he got it from and if I can have it. He told me that there was a female version of the jacket for it too. Now, we can compare the two track jackets in front of us but first let me give you a reason as to why this jacket is my top pick. For one, its represents the country in which the FIFA World Cup is going to be held. The next reason is because this jacket has all the colors and resembles the South African Flag. The last reason this jacket is cool is because with all the colors that this jacket has, you can mix it up with all types of color sneakers and shirts and you will be straight, no ifs and or buts. Now moving on to the logistics of the jackets. The female version looks almost like the male’s version with a few exceptions that I am about to point out. The first thing is that the females version of the track jacket doesn’t have a hood, the men’s one does. The next thing is that if you look at both of these jackets carefully, the men’s jacket has this “shine” on the material that stands out on the black parts of the jacket, the female version does not have the same effect. Next is that while the female track jacket is made up of cotton and polyester, the men’s jacket is made up of mostly cotton. Last but not least, look at where the logos are located. For the men’s jacket, you see the Adidas logo over the left side of the chest and the South African Football Association Logo on the left arm. On the female jacket on the other hand, you see the Adidas logo on the right side of the chest and the South African Football Association logo on the left. You ask me which is the winner, my money would be invested in the Men’s track jacket any day.
With these top three picks, there’s no way you cannot show some type of pride this year and show spirit for the FIFA World Cup 2010. So what you if you aren’t present at a stadium cheering your rightful country on? So what if you aren’t yelling “GOOOOOOOOOL” like a madman in front the TV. With wearing something as simple as sneakers or a track jacket that emulates what the FIFA World Cup 2010 stands for, you are doing all of that in spirit with a discreet sense of style.