Student Has One-Man, Finals Week Dance Off in University of Maryland’s Library


Finals week is stressful, don’t get us wrong. 4-5 classes, an entire semesters worth of material, 3-4 hours of studying for each final. I miss college but not those days for a second. Some people smoke weed to relieve the stress, some drink heavy, some call every number in their iPhone with a female name attached to it. All completely understandable.

This University of Maryland student however, was so overcome with the horror of Finals Week, that he felt compelled to break out in dance…right in the middle of the McKeldin library. I half expected everyone else to join in, a disco ball to descend from the ceiling, and every pair of sweatpants and sneakers in the room to instantly morph into a pencil skirt and stilettos. Nope, just some kid dancing. Enjoy.

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