A season of this kind of competitive magnitude means story lines, story lines, and more story lines. Everyday changes in momentum, every day new drama, and every day something to talk about. You sure as hell can’t watch every game so the only way t0 keep up with the chatter is to make Social Media your bitch.
Tag: basketball

Need a quick buck? The Campus Socialite’s Bryan Gibberman has your NBA Best Bets of the night. Stay tuned for new picks every night of the season. You’re welcome.

How pissed would you be if you were up all night passing out presents to bratty kids and had to watch Lebron James beat the Mavs on Christmas Day? No confirmation on whether or not this is in fact the real Santa, but none the less, think Mrs. Clause made a little too much Egg Nog. Can you get a ticket for Sleighing While Intoxicated? In any case, we feel you Santa. Hard to be jolly with that stuff going on.

In celebration of the Knicks’ recent acquisition of Big Man, Tyson Chandler, The Campus Socialite and The Knicks Blog are teaming up to throw a bar party in New York City, this Friday night. For any Knicks fan in the area (trust us, there are a lot), it’s going to be the place to be.

Wow. Shit is about to get crazy. Just got sent this video, a video that shows Stephen A. Smith clearly (kinda) saying the word “Nigga” while referring to Lebron James. Let’s be clear, he says it in the way that’s cool for one black dude to say about another black dude. Cool in person, cool with your boys, but as we all know, cool on TV is a far different concept.

Both are arguably the best players in their prospective leagues. Both made their name playing for the same team, for long periods of time. Both ultimately left the teams that drafted them for more money and a better chance at a ring. So here’s the question: what makes Albert Pujols less worthy of hatred than the most hated man in sports who hasn’t sat in a court room?

How sad. Quite possibly the final nail in the coffin of the NBA’s 2011-2012 season has been hammered with force. The players have rejected David Stern’s proposal, a proposal that Stern essentially called his final offer. The union will disband, sue, and that is that. We’d go on but we’ve chosen to go in a different direction: the direction of 20 Hot Girls in NBA Gear. You’re Welcome.

One of the dumbest rules in NCAA history (the one that states that college players can’t receive any financial reward for doing a job that makes their school millions of dollars a year) is officially gone. Well, compromised. Student athletes who receive full scholarships will now be given up to $2,000 per season for their hard work and sacrifice.

Today marks Day 97 of the NBA Lockout with little movement in negotiations and no end in sight between David Stern & the NBA Players Association. If the lockout negotiations continue to move slower than a turtle the only NBA action this year will come from NBA 2K12. The clock is ticking.

Seeing Lebron and his merry gang of over-confident, over-armed, teammates lose to the Dallas Mavericks in the finals was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen in my life. I gotta admit though, when it comes to style, Lebron has some swag. That’s why I am more than curious to see what him and Nike pull out of the hat tomorrow with the Bron Bron endorsed Lebron James x Nike Sportswear Collection. So far a lot of black and red.