WWE Raw has been on the air since 1993 with over 900 episodes and although you sometimes might forget, they have a Hall-Of-Fame too. Icons like Macho Man Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, and The Rock have somehow yet to be included (WTF Man?) but what the WWE does have is quite a few non-wrestler celebrities, including the most recent addition, Iron Mike Tyson. Mike’s made a few appearances and obviously deserves the honor, but some of the other non-wrestler inductees might surprise you. Check out our favorite non-wrestler celebrity Hall-Of-Famers, right below.
Tag: MLB

It’s official: Terrell Owens is now on the list of athletes who played way past their prime. It’s sad to witness our beloved stars not know when to just give up. Terrell Owens, coming off a torn ACL injury and desperate for work, proved just that by joining the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League. In honor of his new job, let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at 10 athletes who were also unaware of when their time was up.

Both are arguably the best players in their prospective leagues. Both made their name playing for the same team, for long periods of time. Both ultimately left the teams that drafted them for more money and a better chance at a ring. So here’s the question: what makes Albert Pujols less worthy of hatred than the most hated man in sports who hasn’t sat in a court room?

7 long months of grueling Baseball season have come to a close and the Division Championships are underway. Combine that with Week 4 of the NFL Season, the week that true front-runners and inevitable losers will start to emerge, and what you get is a cluster-fudge of must-watch sports. Maybe I’m biased but I’m making my pick: Detroit Tigers at New York Yankees.

2011 Playoff action starts now, Socialites. Check out this awesome article from our friends at Complex.com, and see the greatest playoff showings in MLB history. Spolier Alert: there are a stuff load of Yankees mentioned, but you already knew that.
During the Sox 7th inning rain delay local Boston announcer Dan Shaughnessy made an epic prediction about the Sox winning the game. A few hours later Danny boy was immediately added to the goat list. Check out the newest cursed announcer in Baseball and this Yankee fans favorite psychic.

Some love them, many hate them, and many happily wear their emblem without ever having seen a baseball game. But say what you will about the Yankees, Mariano Rivera is thee greatest closer of all time, and with today’s 602nd Save and capture of the official all-time record from Trevor Hoffman, he has officially proven it.

It is my belief that anyone attached to enough considerable evidence of Steroid use should be disqualified from the Hall of Fame, and maybe even Baseball. I realize this is an entirely radical belief but I would have settled for Perjury convictions of Bonds and Clemens. As of today, it doesn’t seem like either of those dreams will ever come to fruition.
All-Star games in sports are always sort of a crux. It’s all the best players, competing on the same field. What’s not to love? But

Two days after a fading pinnacle of Yankee glory, conquered last great accomplishment of his career, a younger, still budding Yankee superstar accomplished something slightly less important. Okay, much less important, but none the less, Robinson “New Face of the Franchise” Cano not only won the Home Run Derby and set the record for long balls in the final round. He beat Boston, in the form of Adrian Gonzales.