At one point yesterday, 5 out of 10 trending topics were all SOPA and PIPA related, our favorite of which being #FactsWithoutWikipedia. In usual trending topic fashion, the Twitter-verse pulled out all their guns, trying to one-up each other and spread awareness at the same time. We’re here to honor those brave souls by giving you our definitive Top 20.
Tag: top tweets
#PeeqOnCampus is trying to replace #SyllabusWeek as the quintessential college hashtag. But instead of bitching about syllabuses and first week’s back, this is for the wins of college. You know, the Socialite stuff. At least that’s what it looks like. I plan on following #PeeqOnCampus very closely, but for now, I’ll just give you the Top 20, thus far.
Kelly Oxford is a serial blogger, Tumblerer, triple mom, and kinda sexy. Most importantly though, her Twitter is one of the internet’s favorite accounts of 2011. Read more to see exactly why.
Since 2011 is coming to a close, and everyone seems to love these end of the year lists, I figured I’d end off by featuring the Top 20 Top Tweets of 2011. Sound good? If you didn’t get a chance to see every Top Tweets, here’s all of my favorites. Enjoy.
Top Tweets is back in action with writer, thinker, and retired Trombone player Tim Siedell. He already has 554,000 plus followers and he’s earned every single one of them. Let’s get him some more.
A couple of years back, Bo Burnham (@boburnham) caught some fire. A kid in college, with a guitar just making the most hysterical Youtube Videos you could ask for. He’s got 400,000+ followers and deserves every one of them. Bo might be internet famous already, but we’re gonna help out his cause.
Scrubs was one of the best and funniest shows on TV for a very long time, and maybe I’m not alone in this, but I always kinda suspected that the actors were all just as funny in real life as they were on the show. Today, my thoughts are vindicated. Zach Braff isn’t quite JD, but his shenanigans on Twitter (@ZachBraff) are hysterical enough to give me some much needed nostalgia. With 246K+ followers, Zach is climbing the ladder. Let’s give him a boost.
A couple of months ago, Rob Delaney (@RobDelaney) was our featured Tweeter of the week. We try not to do repeats, but Rob has been making some serious headlines lately that he plans on suing Kim Kardashian over her wedding. To show our appreciation, here’s 2o more hysterical Tweets from Rob Delaney. Our first repeat ever, and well deserved.
I’ve been trying to figure out who YourFavWhiteGuy (@YourFavWhiteGuy) could be for the last 30 minutes. The only thing I have thus far is that his name is Brendan, but who cares, all you need to know is he has the funniest Twitter account I’ve seen in weeks. With near 232,000, you have my apologies for not discovering him earlier, but hey, gotta keep this column fresh. Hope you enjoy.
“Children’s Hospital” is a hysterical show on Adult Swim held down by two of my favorite comedians named Rob: Rob Corddry and today’s Top Tweets star, Rob Huebel. I haven’t caught much of Rob’s stand-up, but the next time he swings through New York, I’m there. The dude has 276,000 Followers and has earned every one of them. Don’t believe me? Read on?