street fighter

Stop motion videos might be as hipster as PBR in a jar, but some of them are too cool not to post. This one plays on our nostalgia with Street Fighter toys. I didn’t even know they made Street Fighter Toys, but hey, you learn something new every day. Anyway, the toys manage to re-enact the closest thing to a Street Fighter Video Game fight you could ask for. All in all, it’s really frickin cool. Check it out below. You win Hipsters…you win.

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whisker wars

You can imagine our excitement when we stumbled upon IFC’s new reality show, Whisker Wars, premiering this Friday. The show will chronicle the World Cup style competition over which country has the best facial hair. It will follow Team USA in it’s quest to take down Germany, The New York Yankees of Bearding. If we could get behind Women’s Soccer, surely we can get behind this. USA!

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