Celebrity headlines have been crazy this year. These stories were the best of the best, and kept everyone talking from the beginning of the year to only days ago.
5. Katy Perry Goes Mrs. Brand
This was a big year for Katy Perry musically, and the perfect way to put a cherry on top was to get married. She killed the dreams of many boys and men out there after announcing her engagement at the end of last year. It started with a firestorm: Is she was really engaged to UK comedian/actor Russell Brand? Most people thought it was a publicity stunt, due to the fact that they had just met in September. Throughout the year, every man in the world was hoping something would happen but in October they exchanged vows in India, where Brand had popped the question. She recently stated she would be changing her name to Katy Brand.
4. Bullock Wins with Awards but Loses in Love
With celebrities there is always one thing that is certain: Where there is marriage, there is also divorce. This reigns true for Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock finally won over the movie industry with her performance in The Blind Side. She took home a slew of awards throughout the season, even the big one: the Oscar. In every acceptance speech she gave, she thanked her husband Jesse James, which always made people go “Awww!” However, soon after the big win, Michelle Bombshell McGee, a stripper, came out to say she had an affair with James. This just brought everything Bullock worked for down into the slumps. The tabloids went on frenzy with this information but Bullock took it in stride and even adopted a boy from New Orleans in April.
3. Simon Cowell Leaves AI to Start X Factor
Simon Cowell brought American Idol to America in 2002…most people thought it would fail. However, it did just the opposite and redefined the Reality TV genre, turning it into a competition. It was hugely popular, even getting major sponsors like Coca-Cola. After eight years of telling people they were horrible singers, Cowell decided to leave the franchise. Most people asked the question, “is American Idol done for?” Simon Cowell was the reason the show was so wildly popular, because wasn’t afraid to tell it like it was. Cowell has been in the works to bring his UK hit the X Factor over to the states with everyone on pins and needles for information.
2. Lil Wayne Goes to Jail
In March, Lil Wayne was sentenced to jail after pleading guilty to illegal gun possession and possession of marijuana. His original sentence was a year, and during that year there was major controversy of how he would be dealt with. At first the courts stated that he would be in protective custody which upset most people, who thought he was getting preferential treatment. The outrage went on after it was discovered that Lil Wayne had an mp3 player with him. Throughout his time there the campaign to “Free Weezy” took over. He was released in November and assured he was going to go hard with his new album, which is set for release in February.
1. Disney Starlets on a Downward Spiral
Through the years, child stars have fallen hard, and this year was no different. The first Disney starlet to take the plunge was Demi Lovato. After reports of Lovato checking into rehab for emotional issues, there was a race to figure out what those issues were. It was discovered that she had a problem with self-injury for a while now, especially after dealing with bullying in high school. Right before she went to rehab reports surfaced that she had attacked one of her backup dancers while on tour, and just days ago, photos of her in a bra found their way onto the Internet. The second starlet is, of course, Miley Cyrus. It was just last week that TMZ aired a video of Miley Cyrus smoking a “substance” out of a bong. Everyone believed it was marijuana, but her spokespeople raced to get the report out that it was a legal drug called salvia. Everyone is still up in arms saying that she is a role model for young girls and what not. At this rate, it is just a matter of time that until they both hit rock bottom.