Auto accidents, medical emergencies, and work injury events can be terrifying. Depending on how serious an accident is, people may go into panic, shock, or get angry. There are several ways one can be prepared for an accident and minimize further damage. Keep first aid kits at work and in the car, have insurance information on hand, and wear medical alert bracelets for any pre-existing health conditions. Take a look at these fives things to do after an accident.
1. Alert the authorities
Assess the situation and call emergency services. Dispatchers will ask questions regarding one’s own medical status, whether anyone else is injured, if there is a fire, or if property damage has occurred. Be cooperative with the phone dispatcher, and try to gather as much information as possible.
If people are injured, make sure to follow any instructions the dispatcher may give to reduce harm. The dispatcher will send the appropriate authorities, like police, paramedics, or firefighters, to the scene.
2. Stay calm
During automobile accidents, some people may become enraged or aggressive. Try to maintain control over your mood, and avoid speaking angrily. An accident does not need to become a heated fight. Examine any car damage, injuries, and other property damage carefully. Take some deep, calming breaths to reduce panic or anxiety during an accident.
3. Document everything
Smartphones, cameras, notebooks, and computers are all ways to start documenting an accident. This can help insurance companies during claim filing and demonstrate injury or property damage to authorities. Write down the times, dates, and locations of the incident and any major details. Get the names of everyone involved, including the authorities that arrive on the scene. This kind of documentation can also come in handy, especially if an involved party decides to take it to court.
4. Find your insurance information
Make sure to have health and auto insurance information on hand. This will be crucial to file any car damage claims or get hospital care covered. People are keeping rates low by driving carefully and documenting accidents thoroughly with photos and text. Make sure to never leave the house without identification, health insurance details, and car insurance information.
5. Have pertinent medical information on hand
In the event that oneself or others are injured during the accident, any pre-existing, life-threatening conditions should be made known to paramedics who arrive on the scene. People who suffer from known allergies and diseases can wear medical alert bracelets to avoid complications during hospital care. While traveling with friends or family members, make sure to remind them to take insurance cards and health information with them.