Top 10 Gangstas in Graduation Gowns (Part I)

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I often look at some of the most successful people in our society and wonder what they were like as children.  This isn’t too difficult to picture when it comes to politicians or athletes as I can assume that public figures like President Obama were intelligent, well-spoken young leaders in their youth and freaks like LeBron James developed quickly and dominated every athletic contest they every participated in.  Things get a little trickier when imagining what kind of childhood a rapper led.  Most artists claim to have had a rough upbringing where they had to struggle for survival, however I prefer to take a funnier look at things and just judge them solely by their yearbook photos.  Let’s take a look at a handful of your favorite rappers glamour shots from their formative school years.

10. Diddy

Before Diddy there was P-Diddy there was Puffy. Before that there was Puff Daddy. Before that even there was Sean Combs. What was little Sean running from that he had to change his name so many times? I’m guessing it was this picture.

9. Pharell Williams

Looking like a Samurai with an eraser for a haircut, Pharell Williams proved to everyone in the business that stylists are indeed an important part of being famous. It’s just too bad he went from looking like the offspring of Godzilla and a #2 pencil to dressing a little like the Joker.

8. Jay-Z

If anyone ever looked like they didn’t want to be somewhere it was young master Carter here in his (6th grade?) graduation picture. Jay-Z never finished high school, so this was as close as we could get to a graduation picture. Maybe he graduated from elementary school and grandma sprang for some pics? Maybe the face is because Jay-Z himself was a little confused by the cap and gown.

7. Snoop Dogg

Ranked in one of the Top 10 Most Likable Stoners of All-Time it’s hard to imagine Snoop looking clean cut – but here is it. This is photographic evidence that Snoop Dogg actually did not spring forth from a sensimilla bud and onto MP3 players around the world. He looks a little like he just won a science fair somewhere.

6. Eminem

I’ve had debates about things in the past that had no bearing on anything. One of these is why little Marshal Mathers was so pissed off. Looking a little like the illegitimate son of Sylvester Stallone might have something to do with it.

Come back on Wednesday as the beat goes on with five more rapper yearbook photos.

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