Reducing the clutter in one’s life can make a noticeable impact on stress levels, time spent on household cleaning, and comfort levels in a home environment. For professionals coming home after a long day at work, feng shui can provide an easy outlet for stress relief, creating open and relaxing spaces. Students can manage the rush of schoolwork and extracurricular activities better by having an organized space. Take a look at some of the ways feng shui can benefit one’s living space.
1. Stress management
Ever have one of those days spent tearing through the house, searching for keys and a wallet, with no idea where they may be hiding in the clutter? What about coming home after a long day of work to find family toys and puzzle pieces strewn all over the floor? These environments can cause great stress, which may build up over time and influence various parts of one’s life. Start out by creating a private area of peace, maybe a home office or clean bedroom that one can escape to for relaxation. De-clutter and minimize belongings in the space. This can help reduce frustrating instances of lost items.
2. Improved Social Life
For residents in Orlando apartments, having easy access to city resources, parks, campuses, and community centers can lead to great friendships. However, a messy apartment can make one reluctant to invite people over. By creating clean, open spaces as the feng shui philosophy recommends, guests can arrive at any time. By keeping a living space organized and clean, a resident does not need to worry about leaving a poor impression with guests. Inviting a date over for dinner? Having calming feng shui energy in an apartment can elevate one’s confidence, allowing couples to focus on each other, instead of a messy home.
3. Increased creative flow
When surrounded by a mess, it is difficult to concentrate on completing tasks and productivity. This is why most workplaces enforce a certain amount of presentation control and cleanliness. Having a clear workspace can increase one’s feelings of control and lead to greater creative production. Remove distractions from one’s desk, like action figures, games, and magazines. Simplifying one’s environment can lead to more intense concentration and longer periods of creativity. After organizing a space, get to writing that next novel or painting a new masterpiece. Utilizing natural elements, such as wood, minerals, stones, or plants, can help provide an inspiring environment for fresh ideas.
4. A sense of control
Daily life is exceedingly stressful, with work commitments, volunteer activities, and homework to manage. When working in a cramped or messy environment, stress levels can rise and lead to feelings of helplessness or inadequacy. Some people can feel down after working in a poor environment that is not tended to. Take a moment to toss away food containers, wipe down surfaces, and light a candle for some aromatherapy relaxation. Place a miniature fountain in a quiet room, to provide some natural noise. Take ownership of a space, reduce the noise, and turn an area into a personal shrine.